Mississippi Birth Records
How to Order Mississippi Birth Records
Birth certificates for the state of Mississippi are handled by the State Department of Health. Their records begin November 1, 1912. 
Please note that you are only able to order birth certificates for yourself, your spouse, or a child for whom you are the parent, guardian or legal representative. You must be at least 18 yeas of age and provide proof of your identity in the form of a copy of a valid government-issued photo ID, such as your driver’s license, state-issued identification card, government issued employment identification, or passport.
Enlarge the copy of your ID and lighten it if needed to ensure it is clear and readable. Sign underneath it to verify that you are the requestor. If you are not ordering your own birth certificate, please make a notation on the copy of your ID of y our relationship to the person whose birth certificate you are requesting. Enclose a copy of any legal or supporting documentation such as guardianship papers or marriage license or certificate.
Please download the Mississippi birth record order form and fill it out and mail with payment and a copy of your photo identification to:
Mississippi Vital Records P.O. Box 1700 Jackson, MS 39215-1700
The fees are as follows:
A certified abstract (Short Form) is $7.00, and each additional copy ordered at the same time is $3.00. This shows child's name, date and county of birth, state file number, filing and issue dates, and parents' names.
A certified copy (Long Form) is $12.00 for the first copy and $3.00 for each additional copy ordered at the same time and can be used when additional information is required to satisfy claims requiring proof of dependency and for family, historical or legal reasons.
Please do not send cash. Out-of-state applicants must remit a bank or postal money order or a bank cashier's check. Mississippi residents may remit personal checks.
Please call (601) 576-7981 prior to mailing to ensure that the fees have not changed since the publication of this document.
You may also present the form, payment, and ID in person to:
Underwood Building 571 Stadium Drive Jackson MS (601) 576-7981
If you have any questions, please call (601) 576-7981